

Now I here stand witness as millions across Pakistan march in support of Imran Khan, they march to show him the solidarity this nation has and how they stand with him during these tough times. All I ask is why? And how do these people find the time to rally for this cause? Don't people have jobs? Don't these people have families to feed. Then why would they just leave all that just to "show” their old PM that they stand with him. Now at this point you may already think I'm crazy but let me tell you why I am troubled by all this.  

For years this country has witnessed many coups, regime changes this and that, how is this any different and how has our nation failed to realise in over 70 years, this repeating pattern means that we still haven't rooted out the problem! How are we so dumb? I mean honestly how have we not realised that all this is, is just politics, it's a dirty little game. But still we stand blindly with either Shahbaz or Imran, with either Benazir or Nawaz, with either Mujeeb or Zulfiqar.  

I think if people have time, to leave their jobs and leave their families to come out on streets, these politicians DO NOT deserve that precious time. Leave your house and demand better education, leave your house for your rights, leave your house to rally for better judicial system, leave your families for better policing system, because that affects you directly. Change starts from the bottom, not the top. Climb the ladder, realise that Pakistanis aren't even aware of their basic right of consumer court, something as basic as a consumer flipping court!


Go out and rally for better policing system, when was the last time you heard that a house in your neighbourhood was robbed, and the police caught the perpetrator and punished him? When? How is this robbery any difference then according to you, what Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari have done? If you have time to take on streets against them, then for once take on the streets for your neighbour. 

Imran's children live in England but yours in Pakistan, think about that the next time you leave your family alone to follow someone who doesn’t even care about you and is only manipulating you for votes! 



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