Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad Event# 26.02.23


Heard what happened at Quaid-e-Azam University this Monday. Such a humiliation, one of Asia’s top-ranking universities, was reduced to these trouble-mongering student groups. Violence at such a level that university needs to be shut down for an indefinite period, what a joke for an education system. This university has produced extensive research and has been responsible for so much, has a beautiful history, but its students are staining its name. But the question is, are the students really the ones in wrong here? Having student groups and student councils, is it so bad? I’ve seen many posts and stories where kids complain nowadays about how they are not given enough independence to make their own decisions, to choose for themselves, and to do as they feel, as they will. Well, the prestigious university listened and gave students all the power, gave them freedom, and students proved that they lack the mental capacity to be given such powers. Why has our education system failed us again and again? Why has it proved obsolete, and why has it never been able to change how one thinks? I had always thought that close minded-ness of Pakistanis is because they did not go through the education system, and they don’t know better, but now I realize that it does not matter. Because no school, college, or university in Pakistan has been able to change such mindsets, barring a few.

Schools and colleges in Pakistan have been given the perception that they have to teach students how to ace the exams, how to score good marks, and how to take admission to good universities, but are they not also responsible to make sure students learn that they have to throw their garbage in the dustbins, they cannot spit their pan on roads, they cannot drive until they have the license, they have to stay inside lanes, they have to file taxes and declare incomes? Are these all not necessary? Do they not need to be taught about controlling aggression, freedom of speech, and forgiveness? Has our young generation accomplished enough by just scoring 4.0 GPAs and breaking an opposition member’s nose?

What a sad day for Pakistan, what a failure to Quaid’s vision, a university named in his honor, is today known for violence and gunda garddi. Pakistan’s economy is facing the toughest time it has ever faced and Pakistan’s future leaders are fighting like animals!

To add to this, no politician, none of our “esteemed” leaders have ever addressed this issue, never tried to change Pakistan, never tried to even highlight what is happening with our education system how it needs to change, how we need to modernize it, how we need our future generations to lead this country into a better tomorrow, but then again, why would they want your and my kids to be the future leaders? They have already sent their own kids to the best of the best’s schools in England, in USA, in Europe, for they know they will be passing down the “mantle” of power to their own kids, not ours and their kids know how to profit from the situation.


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